Listening as a Form of Activism

Listening as a Form of Activism

Listening as a Form of Activism: Kevin Allen, Maile Colbert & Tessie Word
Trickhouse, guest curator/video-sound, 2013

We look. We wait. We inch along or zoom past. Best if we listen, deeply. There may be, seemingly, more ways to articulate the visual or kinetic experiences these three multi-disciplinary artists are exploring, even the things we see and feel around us. Once you open the ears, there are less immutable divisions, more and vaster opportunities to express tiny nuances in and around the soundscape, filmscape and performance space.

This intersection invites conversations among sounds and images, movement and stillness, waiting and watching.

Read the exhibit essay-conversation between Trickhouse guest curator, Joan Schuman, and three sound-makers who corral sounds as a primary practice around assorted artistic genres.