Monsters & Ghosts
Earlid | Monsters & Ghosts, fall-winter 2021
Six sonic entanglements attune to uncertainties in a collapsing world. We need to hear these voices—real and imagined and aestheticized—to mirror our potential energies for changing a devastating future squarely in our midst.
This is a collection of magical figures, fits of vapors, states of disorientation, bewilderment and fear, winter mists, dark clouds of slight obscuration, apologies and gloom.
And hope.
And curiosity.
Hauntings, like ghosts, are not immaterial.
Monsters, too, are a kind of announcement of the physical future: we’re here!
Vigilance is the job of the artist—to look, to notice—to listen.
Featured artists & Conversations:
The Sousrealists,Your Mating Call is Important To Us
Blanc Sceol, Hir
James T. Green, THE FEAR; Brilliance CT 64; Growth
Marjorie Van Halteren & Brian Price, Silence is Coming
Joan Schuman, Extinction (from how you treat them is what you are)
Adriene Lilly, i imagine it would rise
Monsters & Ghosts is participating in EXTRACTION: Art on the Edge of the Abyss, a multimedia, multi-venue, cross-border art intervention.