Sing …. Singe

Sing …. Singe

Earlid | Sing … Singe, winter 2015

For the first Liminal Sounds—and the launch of Earlid—I curated an inquiry around two words: sing and singe. Sound artists responded with text, sounds and images to frame a virtual threshold.

This initial Earlid exhibit—a prelude—evolved by swirling words in the mouth, across the tongue, rimming the ears. One word is resonant with joy or melancholy; the other, sinister, ashy. A single letter distinguishes them and in some cases, they become fully audible (not simply a song being sung or the hiss of burning).

In many instances there is a story or a space or metaphor confabulated of these words.

Artists featured:
Kathy Kennedy
Daniela Cascella
Christopher DeLaurenti
Joan Schuman
Helen White
Justin Grotelueschen
Tessie Word + Damon Ayers
Gregory Whitehead